Saturday, 18 May 2019

Whosoever wins this election, Youth has failed miserably!

Whosoever wins this election, Youth has failed miserably!

 India, world’s largest democracy, whose generations have seen expeditious economic growth and yet realized what it meant belonging to a culturally rich nation, is participating in arguably the longest elections this summer to choose it's next Prime Minister. (I know they just choose the Member of Parliament!). In the final leg of elections now, it’s a matter of week when we would see if India re-elects the current government or for our surprise (At least to some) it witnesses a power shift!

As of now it could be any three results possible but regardless of whom India chooses to be next Prime Minister, it is pertinent to observe the peculiarity of this Election. The back and forth quest of political parties to defeat each other have seen,  like every other Indian Election, slanderous remarks, scandalous allegations, controversial candidatures and to be fair we expected this election to get as spicy as it got but unfortunately, it was worse. Having seen now three elections actively in my life I can simply conclude and which won’t be an exaggeration that what we witnessed this summer was lowest level of morality, humility, and integrity in election campaigns across India with candidates stooping as low as calling Godse[1] a patriot and invoking feeling of ‘us’ & ‘them’ or indulging in verbal spat with candidates not sparing even families and loved ones, irrespective of any political party which did nothing but distance itself from these ‘personal remarks’. The worst part of it was the ‘normalisation’ of all wrong deeds which has now became quintessential in name of election tricks but  departs from ethics whatsoever little we had when it came to the dirty game of politics which is as daunting as polarisation (Again Normalised like an Ice- cream) in democracy for electoral gains.

 This election also saw another obnoxious peculiarity in continuation of the absurd remarks; the bleak campaigns from either side with no election narrative and nearly issue-less speeches. This election as per The Hindu[2] became or succumbed to religion. To give you a perspective this election was held at the brink of the third decade of 21st century. If you have followed the election you may agree of not hearing issues like economic growth and GDP ambiguity[3], development, Job deficiency or loss in jobs[4], effects of demonetisation, etc. even the government was seen majorly not boasting on the good deed howsoever less or more it did in the course of last five years all which was served to us on the platter was aggressive performative nationalism[5], historical distortions, Hindu-Muslim tussle, Personal hatred, divisiveness and vindictiveness with no vision for new India blatantly violating the ‘Selective’ Model Code of Conduct. It also was reduced to equating an individual to India and seeking votes in the name of hero worshipism and bigotry. It can therefore safely be said it was the most polarised election we saw and which shall be owned up by every political party (The violence in Bengal, Hate speech in Bengaluru north, Religious speech in Pilibhit, etc.)

But this isn’t the true ‘Idea of India’ which is progressive, liberal (Economically and ideologically), political and secular as it does not cater to its first time voters who are young and restless. In this election, there were 84 Million[6] first-time voters who are  ranging from at least 18 years to 25 and significantly active on social media who have graduated from school looking for college or graduated from college looking for Job. Youth, which is unknown to the 1992 tragedy which has become liberal in terms of drinking, dating, asking personal choice, seeking freedom and liberty as per a CSDS Report.

So how are these political parties  still seeking votes with no substantive election narratives which affect the youth or is for their upliftment and benefit? It is such a sorry situation to say that today the election strategy of political party revolves around these first time voters and yet the narratives which we are served is what we end up condemning political parties for, but the catch is we are served on the platter what we ask for. It is, as much as political parties’ fault of the inability in providing agenda for election, our fault not adamantly asking from them. More than half of India’s youth care about religion and this religiosity increases with age, according to data collected in a YouGov-Mint Millennial Survey.

With almost all of this age group on social media and effectively no regulation of this media, the progressive youth of this country has fallen prey to the ridiculous the idea of divisive politics, fielding of an alleged terrorist as candidate and ineffective opposition voice. In last 4 and half years and] this summer, The youth of this nation has failed miserably!

This might change with so much young and active people joining politics and fighting elections and raising voices but for now it’s too late!

Or maybe just maybe, to much of our dismay, Subramanian Swamy[7] was correct when he said “Elections are not won with economy but with sentiments and Ram Mandir will make you win the election not economic growth

(All images are subject to copyright)


  1. Quite an intriguing article! It was a quick reminder to people who seem to forget what should or should not be normal when it comes to election campaigns. Also, it would be really good if people realised that being anti-goverment does not necessarily mean being anti-national.


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